Many people are attracted to the Freestylist because it cleans up the look of the salon, eliminating cord tangles and snags. While these are great benefits, many stylists appreciate how quickly the dryer is in their hand and instantly on. The primary reason the Freestylist weightless drying system was invented, however, was to reduce or eliminate arm and shoulder pain, and potential carpal tunnel injuries.

A typical hair dryer can weigh up to 1.5 lbs. Holding that weight with an extended arm for long periods takes a toll on the body, much like holding a carpenter’s hammer with an outstretched arm for hours each day. This repetitive strain can eventually lead to serious injuries. We solved this problem by designing a counterbalance mechanism that makes your dryer feel weightless. You will notice in our videos that stylists no longer grip their dryers tightly; instead, they hold it lightly with their fingertips, simply pointing the dryer where needed.

Experience the difference with the Freestylist and protect your health and well-being while enjoying a more efficient and organized salon.


This is what some stylists that use the Freestylist are saying:

Heather Webb, “It is incredible how different it is blow drying hair! It really does take all of the weight off of my shoulder! My chiropractor was even impressed with it!”

Gail Ritucci, “All of the stylists have been using the Freestyle Dryers for 3 years. The girls love them and do notice less shoulder, back pain and fatigue.”

Carol Wilke, “It is so nice to just have to direct the air instead of holding the weight of the dryer. I love that I can let go of it to let down a section and it stays there. My arms are enjoying the break.”

Lisa Lachanski, “Freestylist is bar none the very best invention ever! It has made my job and all my stylists’ jobs so much easier. There is no more sore arm from 12 hours of blow-drying a day.”

Christine, “No more back pain or tangled cords, LOVE THEM!”

Miechelle Tipton, “Being without my Freestyle dryer for just one week was absolutely dreadful! Even though I had originally purchased it because it looked cool I had no idea how much of a benefit it was for my wrist, arm and shoulder until a week without it! [Without it] I found myself icing my shoulder every night, and braces on my wrist while I slept…what a happy hairdresser I was when my new one arrived a week after ordering! So this is my testament the advertising about how much stress it relieves off your wrist arm and shoulder are so very true! I love my dryer even more now than I did 3 years ago – I would NEVER BE WITHOUT my Freestyle System!”

Kathy Jacobs, “I was absolutely correct in my marketing assumption in every way. The clients were, and still are, talking about the system. What I did not bank on was the relief of my carpal tunnel almost immediately!! I was so surprised. I have had carpal tunnel for about 13 years now, dreading the surgery, and time lost from work. Thanks to Freestyle, I can work 10-12 hours with almost no discomfort at all. It has given me the opportunity to continue to work and not be riddled with my condition any longer. I have had the system in my salon for five years now, and I have no regrets whatsoever. If you want to love to come to work, invest in this system, and watch the swelling in your wrists go down, and your profit margin go up.
More testimonials >>> Video Link.

Do the right thing for your stylists and take away their pain and fatigue by turning on The Freestylist. Invented to end the pain and suffering of stylists, this breakthrough dryer support system WILL prolong the careers of stylists. Do not ignore what The Freestylist has already achieved for thousands of owners and stylists!

However, the benefits to the salon’s business are even more far-reaching. The Freestylist creates a buzz about your salon, and shows that your salon is at the cutting edge of technology. It generates free PR for your salon, and acts as an added marketing tool! Freestylist increase’s referrals and help improve your bottom line.

In addition the Freestylist contributes to better ergonomics and a better salon environment. It improves the client experience. Both your clients and stylists will be happier. That’s good for business.”